Saturday, August 15, 2015

Book of the Week: You Are Special by Max Lucado

You Are Special by Max Lucado
Becky's Pick

Why I Love It: The Message

This book brings me to tears almost every time I read it. Not only because I love the message, but because I want my children to get the message. So I will read this book to them for years and years and years to come. I hope they have it memorized by the time they leave my home.

Basically, it's about a little wooden man who lives in a town of all wooden people. They give each other stars and dots. Stars are for when others feel positively about the wooden people and dots are for when others feel negatively about them. They can give each other stars and dots for whatever reason they please.

One day, the wooden man meets this cute little wooden girl who has no stickers of any kind. And you'll have to read the book to find out what happens to them, but it is just wonderful. It's about knowing who you are and that what other people think of you really doesn't matter.

**It has a very Christian theme, so if you're not Christian or don't believe in God, maybe this isn't the book for you. But if you do believe in a Creator, this is a wonderful and amazing book and I recommend it more than any other children's book I know of. It is my absolute favorite!

Buy You Are Special on Amazon

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