Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Home Preschool (Ages 2.5-4) Week 3: Letter C and Number 3

Each day will take about half an hour and your little ones will love it! My son calls it "school time" and is so excited for it every day!

Here is the printable version of the lesson plans for this week: Week 3: Letter C and Number 3

Links found in the lesson plans:
"Never Smile At A Crocodile" You Tube Video
Letter C Worksheets
Number 2 Worksheets
Frederic Chopin's "Spring Waltz" You Tube Video
Cougar Images
Cougar Coloring Pages
Castle Images
Car Coloring Pages

Home Preschool
Age 3: Letter and Number of the Week
Week 3: Lesson Plans for the Letter C and the Number 3

·         Print out large letter and number sheets (included) and post them somewhere the child can see them all week.
·         Create theme word flash cards with the theme word on one side and a picture depicting the word on the other.
·         Print out the poem of the week (included).
·         Create a flashcard with the name of the composer of the week on it.
·         Print out animal/plant word sheet (included), “facts about” page (included), coloring page, and image of the animal/plant of the week.
·         Print out social studies fact sheet (included) and an image of the subject of the week.
·         Collect supplies for art project.
·         Optional: Plan a day for an outing in keep with the theme (ideas included) and buy ingredients for snacks, baking, or cooking in keeping with the theme (ideas included).

Opening (Do this first every day.):
·         Introduce/Review the letter C: Show the child the poster of the letter and make the sound you are teaching (choose one sound to teach at a time).
o   /c/ as in cookie
·         Introduce/Review the theme words for the week:
o   Caterpillar, clown, clock, castle, cow, cat, coche (Spanish-optional)
o   Show the child the word while you say it. Explain that the word starts with the letter __ and help your child spell the words if they are able. If not, just read the word, show them the picture on the back and move on.
·         Read the letter C poem allowed, following along with your finger on the paper/poster: “Catch It If You Can”
·         Sing the letter C song with child: “Never Smile At A Crocodile”
·         You Tube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGkdcpTY1QI
·         Introduce/Review the number 3: Show the child the poster of the letter and say “three.”
o   Count to 3.
o   Give the child three of an object and ask the child to tell you how many items there are. Help them count the objects.

Monday (Language Arts Emphasis):
·         Give the child a tracing or coloring page for the letter C. You can find books of these at the dollar store or Target. There are also many resources online. If you don’t have a tracing/coloring page for them. Just draw the letter C (upper and lower case) and help them trace it or draw it on their own.
·         Read the child a book that has a lot of the letter C in it. I always just go to my local library’s website and search for children’s books that have titles starting with the letter C. Or I search for books about the theme words. Any C book will do.
o   Examples of books to use:
§  The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Arlene Dubanevich
§  Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
o   Ask the child to find the letter C in the title and say the word with them, emphasizing the sound the letter makes in the word.


  Tuesday (Math and Music Emphasis):
·         Give the child a tracing or coloring page for the number 2. Again, you can find books like this at the dollar store or Target (still for a dollar) or Google them and you can find some free resources.
·         Show the child your composer flashcard that says “Frederic Chopin” and explain that a man whose (last name) starts with “C” wrote this song, called “Spring Waltz.” Play the song for the child.

Wednesday (Science Emphasis):
·         Show child the “C is for Cougar” page and the image you printed out of an antelope.
·         Discuss the “Facts about Cougars” page.
o   TIP: I find it be more effective if I read fact and then ask my son a question to which the answer would be in that fact. It helps him pay attention and internalize information.
·         Have your child color the antelope coloring page.
o   Put the finished coloring page in the book and flip through the pages.

Thursday (Social Studies and Art Emphasis):
·         Show child an image of a castle.
·         Discuss the “Facts about Castles” page (included).
·         Art Project: Color Mixing and Cars OR Car Collage
o   Supplies: acrylic or finger paint in the primary colors, paint brushes, a paper plate, and a a car coloring page (https://www.google.com/search?q=cougar&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMIxajIr4nUxwIVxs2ACh0n0A_o&biw=950&bih=897#tbm=isch&q=car+coloring+pages)
o   Remind child that “color” and “car” both start with C. Teach the child how to mix the primary colors to make other colors like purple and green. Then paint the coloring page of the car.
§  TIP: I have also been able to find paintable figurines of cars at Walmart or Michael’s and used those before. They are more exciting and still very cheap.
o   OR Make a collage of cars cut out from magazines!

Friday (Physical Activity Emphasis):
·         Play catch or have a car race with a ramp and toy cars.

Outing Ideas:
·         Cannery
·         Cooking class
·         Chicken coup
·         Candy store

Snack/Cooking/Baking Ideas:
·         Carrots, cornbread, corn, crackers, candy

·         Cook anything together and explain that “cook” starts with C.

I started doing at-home preschool at the end of last year and followed the general pattern from Brightly Beaming Resources. The lesson plans you will find here have some ideas from that website, but I have made major changes from their general pattern and I think my lesson plans are easier to follow because I've already done more legwork for you. I found that my son was losing interest in some of the activities so I've cut those out and replaced them with others. I hope you like what I've come up with!

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